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    Smiley Honey News — Bees and Flowers

    Help Grow A Million Flowers

    A husband and wife team has started a company called Seedles, with the ambitious goal to grow 1 million wildflowers. Ei Ei and Chris were concerned about the decline in bee populations. Recognizing that lack of habitat was one of the factors contributing to this decline, they came up with a fun new product that combines seeds, compost and clay into brightly colored balls. These seed balls can be tossed onto any available patch of soil, and nature then does the rest.

    Check out their website at growtherainbow.com and also watch their You Tube video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjsaZ3hbq14#t=94

    Then get some colorful Seedles for stocking stuffers and when the weather starts to warm next spring, add some wildflowers to your neighborhood. You will be adding color to our land, and also providing much needed food for bees.



    These Are A Few of My Favorite Things

    I snapped this picture this morning. The sun was just peeking over the trees, and the bees were already hard at work collecting some nectar from this lavender bush. Sunshine, honeybees and flowers, and the honey that comes from this terrific trio -- these are a few of my favorite things.