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    Honey Recipes — main course

    It's Slow Cooker Season!

    It's time to cover up the grill and pull out the slow cooker. Slow cooked meals are easy to prepare and easy to clean up! If you need some inspiration, here are seven slow cook recipes that use our favorite ingredient - honey.

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    Grilled Chicken with Sumac, Honey & Lemon

    Sumac is a popular spice in the Middle East, which does not get enough attention in the US. Ground sumac is a deep red powder that comes from the red, ripe berries of the sumac bush (related to poison ivy, but definitely not poisonous). It has a very pleasant tart berry flavor, but without the acidity of a fresh lemon. When combined with honey in this recipe, the sumac-spiced chicken has a great balance of sweet and sour.

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